


2009- MAPNA FAIVELEY Pars was established (as a supplier company) by a joint venture between MAPNA Group and French FAIVELEY Transport.

2012- Procurement of brake system of SIEMENS ER24PC locomotive (Iran Safir locomotive)

2013- Procurement of air conditioning of passenger coach produced by Plour Sabz Industrial Group

2016- Acquisition of FAIVELEY Transport by WABTEC Company, then the ownership of the MAPNA FAIVELEY Pars changed.

2016- Procurement of brake system of MAP24 locomotive

2018- Acquisition of MAPNA FAIVELEY Pars by MAPNA Group

2018- MAPNA Rail Technologies (MRT) was established as a manufacturing company

2020- Overhaul of brake system of ALSTOM AD43C locomotive

2021- Design and manufacture of metro car door

2021- Design and manufacture of HVAC system of MAP24-1 and MAP30 locomotives

2021- Design and manufacture of brake system of MAP24-1 locomotive

2021- Design and manufacture of HVAC system of passenger coach

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